White Hair : Prevention and Causes - Duniya Health

Fast Facts About White Hair

  • Vitamin deficiency can cause hair to turn prematurely white.
  • Prolonged smoking has been linked to premature graying.
  • Preventing white hair depends on its cause.
White hair causes

Is White Hair Normal?

It is not uncommon for your hair to change as you grow older. As a younger person, you probably had a full head of brown, black, red, or blonde hair. Now that you have grown, you may notice thinning in some areas of your head, or your hair may change from its original color to brown or white.

Your body has pores, which are small sacs lined with skin cells. Hair follicles contain pigment cells known as melanin. These cells give your hair its color. But over time, hair follicles can lose pigment, resulting in white hair.

Causes of White Hair

There can be many reasons other than age which results in a person's hair turning white.

Vitamin Deficiency

Any deficiency of vitamin B6, B-12, biotin, vitamin D, or vitamin E may contribute to premature grape.

In a 2015 report in the journal, the development has drawn attention to various deficient studies on vitamin D-3, vitamin B-12 and copper, and hair graying. It finds that nutritional deficiencies affect pigmentation, suggesting that color may return with vitamin K supplementation.

A 2016 study in the International Journal of Tricology looked at factors related to premature grapness in young Indians under 25 years of age. It found low levels of serum ferritin, which stores iron, vitamin B-12, and good cholesterol HDL-C in the body, which were common in participants with premature graying of hair.

What Causes White Hair at an Early Age?

People with white hair have darker hair color. Although white hair is a characteristic of aging, colorless hair strands can appear at any age - even if you are still in high school or college. If you are a teenager or in your 20s, you may get one or more white hairs.

There may be ways to restore pigmentation, but it depends on the cause. Here are the common causes of premature white hair.

1. Genetics

Your makeup plays a big role when (or if) you develop white hair. If you see white hair at an early age, it is likely that your parents or grandparents also had white hair at an early age.

You cannot change genetics. But if you don't like the way your brown hair looks, you can always color your hair.

2. Stress

Everyone deals with stress from time to time. The consequences of chronic stress may include:
  • Sleep problem
  • anxiety
  • Change in appetite
  • high blood pressure
Stress can also affect your hair. A 2013 study source found a relationship between stress and depletion of stem cells in the hair follicles of mice. So if you have seen an increase in the number of your white varieties, stress can be the culprit. This theory may also explain why some world leaders appear increasingly age or gray while in office.

3. Autoimmune disease

An autoimmune disease can also cause premature white hair. This is when the body's immune system attacks its cells. In the case of alopecia and vitiligo, the immune system can attack the hair and cause pigment loss.

4. thyroid disorder

Hormonal changes due to thyroid problems - such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism - may also be responsible for premature white hair. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck. It helps in controlling many physiological functions like metabolism. The health of your thyroid can also affect the color of your hair. An overactive or low thyroid can cause your body to produce less melanin.

5. Vitamin B-12 deficiency

White hair at an early age may also indicate vitamin B-12 deficiency. This vitamin plays an important role in your body. It gives you energy, plus it contributes to healthy hair growth and hair color.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency is associated with a condition known as fatal anemia, which occurs when your body is unable to absorb sufficient amounts of this vitamin. Your body needs vitamin B-12 for healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the cells in your body, including hair cells. A deficiency can weaken hair cells and affect melanin production.

6. Smoking

There is also a relationship between premature white hair and smoking. A study found a source of 107 subjects "finding a relationship between the onset of gray hair before the age of 30 and cigarette smoking."

It is well known that smoking cigarettes increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease. Long-term effects, however, can go beyond the heart and lungs and affect hair. Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, which can reduce the flow of blood to the hair follicles and cause hair loss. Additionally, the toxins in cigarettes can damage parts of your body, including your hair follicles, leading to early white hair.

Home Remedies of White Hair Causes

  • Even by massaging the head with pure ghee, white hair can be blackened.
  • Grate ginger and mix it with honey juice. Apply it regularly on hair at least twice a week. Hair whitening will reduce.
  • Grind tomatoes with curd. Add a little lemon juice and eucalyptus oil to it. Massage the scalp with this twice a week. Hair will remain black and thick for a long time.
  • Heat 1/2 cup coconut oil or olive oil lightly. Add 4 grams of camphor to it and massage with this oil. It should be massaged once a week. In no time the dandruff will end, the hair will remain black.
  • Mix lemon juice in amla powder and apply it regularly. Applying Amla powder in water after shampoo also helps in conditioning the hair, and the hair is also black. Amla must be consumed in some form or the other.
  • In the winter, eat more and more sesame seeds. Sesame oil also helps to darken hair.
  • Mix half a cup of curd with a pinch of black pepper and a spoonful of lemon juice and apply it to the hair. Wash hair after 15 minutes. Hair will turn from white to black again.
  • Take a bowl mehndi powder, add two tablespoons of tea water, two teaspoons of amla powder, one teaspoon lemon juice, two spoons curd, shikakai and ritha powder, one egg (if you want to take), half teaspoon coconut oil and some -The Katha. Put all these things in an iron pan and make a paste and soak it at night. Apply it on hair in the morning. Then wash it after two hours. This will make the hair black without any loss. Do this at least once a month.

Can white hair be Prevented?

The ability to reverse or prevent white hair depends on the cause. If the cause is genetics, there is nothing you can do to stop or permanently stop the color change.

If you suspect a health problem, consult a doctor to see if an underlying condition is responsible for white hair. If you treat an underlying health problem, pigmentation may return, but there is no guarantee.

According to a study source, if thyroid problems cause white hair, hormone therapy can lead to pigmentation again after treatment. Taking vitamin B-12 shots or pills to correct a deficiency can also improve the health of hair follicles and bring back your natural complexion. If white hair results from stress or smoking, there is no evidence to support the return of pigmentation after quitting smoking or reducing stress.


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