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Top Best Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes - Duniya Health

What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes causes a person to have very high blood sugar levels. Recognizing the early signs and symptoms of this chronic condition allows a person to receive treatment sooner, which reduces the risk of serious complications. Type 2 diabetes is a common condition. A 2017 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 30.3 million adults in the United States have diabetes. The report also estimated that another 84.1 million American adults have prediabetes. Blood sugar levels are higher than normal in people with prediabetes, but doctors do not consider them to be diabetic. According to the CDC, people with prediabetes often develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years if they do not receive treatment. The onset of type 2 diabetes may be gradual, and symptoms may be mild during the early stages. As a result, many people may not feel they have this condition. In this article, we look at the early signs and   symptoms...