How to eat coconut oil, and how much per day? - Duniya Health

How to eat coconut oil, and how much per day?

How to eat coconut

Coconut oil has some very impressive health benefits.

It has been shown to increase metabolism, reduce appetite, and increase HDL ("good") cholesterol, to name a few.

However, many people are confused about how much to take and how to eat it.

This article explains how to include coconut oil in your diet and the optimal amount to take.

Study dose

Several studies have investigated the benefits of coconut oil, many of which have been attributed to its high content of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

Percentage drop

In some cases, the amount of oil given was a percentage of total calories, which varies from person to person.

In three similar studies, a combination of coconut oil and butter were the main fat sources in a 40% fat diet. Normal weight women experienced significant temporary increases in metabolic rate and calorie expenditure.

In a study comparing the effects of various fats on cholesterol levels, a diet with 20% of total calories from coconut oil increases HDL cholesterol in women, but not in men. In addition, it was shown to increase LDL cholesterol less than butter.

In each of these studies, a person consuming 2,000 calories for weight maintenance would have included 36–39 grams of coconut oil per day as part of a mixed diet.

Fixed dodges

In other studies, each participant consumed the same amount of oil, regardless of calorie intake.
In one study, overweight or obese people who took 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of coconut oil per day for 4 weeks lost an average of 1.1 inches (2.87 cm) below their waistline.

What's more, participants lost this weight without intentionally increasing calories or restricting physical activity.

In another study, obese women took 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut or soybean oil on a calorie-restricted diet. His waist size decreased and HDL cholesterol increased, while the control group had the opposite reaction.

Ground level:

In the study, coconut oil is given at fixed doses or as a percentage of total calorie intake.

How much coconut oil per day?

Studies have found that 2 tbsp (30 ml) seems to be an effective dose.

It has been shown to increase weight, reduce abdominal fat, and improve other health markers.

Some studies use 2.5 tablespoons (39 grams) per day based on calorie intake.

Two tablespoons provide about 18 grams of medium-chain triglycerides, which are within the range of 15–30 grams that have been shown to increase the metabolic rate.

2 tablespoons (30 ml) of food per day is a reasonable amount that leaves room for other healthy fats in your diet, such as nuts, extra virgin olive oil, and avocado.

However, start slowly to avoid nausea and loose stools that may occur with high intake. Take 1 teaspoon per day, gradually increasing to 2 tbsp per day for 1 to 2 weeks.

Ground level:

Consuming 2 tablespoons per day is sufficient to get health benefits, but it is best to work up to this amount slowly. 

How to eat coconut oil?

There are many ways to include this oil in your diet.

Use it for cooking

Coconut oil is ideal for cooking because about 90% of its fatty acids are saturated, making it extremely stable at high temperatures.
It also has a high smoke point of 350 ° F (175 ° C).

Coconut oil is semi-solid at room temperature and melts at 76 ° F (24 ° C). So store it in a cupboard instead of fridge to keep it.

During the colder months, it can be very solid and difficult to get out of the container. It can be treated with an electric mixer or by dipping it in a blender.
Here are several cooking ideas:
  • Sautéing or stir-fry: Use 1-2 tablespoons of this oil to cook vegetables, eggs, meat or fish.
  • Popcorn: Driesel melted coconut oil over air-popped popcorn or tried it in this stove-top popcorn recipe.
  • Baking: Use it to coat poultry or meat before rubbing with seasoning.

Use it in the recipe

Coconut oil can be substituted for oil or butter in 1: 1 ratio in most recipes.
Make sure to blend cold things like eggs or milk before coming to room temperature, so that it mixes easily instead of clamping.

It is best to melt it and add it slowly and to a protein shake.

Here are some tips that use coconut oil:
  • Sauteed zucchini, squash and onions.
  • Coconut Chicken Thai Curry.
  • Strawberry and Coconut Oil Smoothie.

Add to coffee or tea

Another way to take this oil is in coffee or tea. Aim for a small amount - about a spoon or two. Below is a quick tea method of coconut oil.

Cocoa tea for one
  • Tea Bag (Herbal or Regular).
  • 1 tbsp unbleached cocoa powder.
  • 1 tbsp cream or half and half.
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • Stevia or other sweetener to taste.
To make it, pour boiling water over the tea bag and let it stand for 2-3 minutes. Remove the tea bag, add the remaining ingredients and shake until well mixed.

Ground level:

Coconut oil can be used for cooking, in dishes and to add delicious beverages to hot drinks.

What about supplements?

Coconut oil is also available in capsule form.

In some ways it may seem more convenient, especially for travel. However, this method of delivery has a different aspect.

Most capsules contain 1 gram per capsule. To get 2 tbsp (30 ml) per day, you will need to take about 30 capsules on a daily basis.

For most people, this is just not realistic. Instead, try using coconut oil for cooking or include it in recipes.

Ground level:

Coconut oil capsules need to be consumed in very large quantities to achieve an effective dose.

Calorie still count

Coconut oil provides valuable benefits, but there are limits to how much you should eat.

In fact, each spoon contains 130 calories.

And although medium-chain triglycerides may slightly increase metabolic rate, eating more calories than necessary can still lead to weight gain.

Research has shown that coconut oil is most effective when it replaces less healthy fats in the diet, rather than added on top of the fat you are currently consuming.

Taking about 2 teaspoons daily seems the best strategy for optimizing health.

Ground level:

For best results, replace less healthy fats with coconut oil instead of increasing your current fat intake.

Take home message

Coconut oil is a natural source of medium-chain triglycerides, which provide many health benefits.

Including 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day in cooking or in recipes is the best way to get these benefits.


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