14 home remedies for heartburn and acid reflux - Duniya Health

14 Ways to Stop Heartburn and Acid Reflux

acid reflux treatment

Millions of people suffer from acid reflux and heartburn.

The most commonly used treatments include commercial drugs, such as omeprazole. However, lifestyle modifications can also be effective.

Simply changing your dietary habits or your way of sleeping can reduce your heartburn and acid reflux symptoms, which will improve your quality of life.

What is acid reflux and what are the symptoms?

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid is pushed into the esophagus, a tube that carries food and drinks from the mouth to the stomach.

Some reflux is completely normal and harmless, usually with no symptoms. But when it happens too often, it burns inside the esophagus.

An estimated 16–20% of all US adults are reflux in one form or another.

The most common symptom of acid reflux is known as heartburn, which is a painful, burning feeling in the chest or throat.

Researchers estimate that about 7% of Americans suffer from heartburn daily.

Of those who regularly experience heartburn, 20–40% have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the most severe form of acid reflux. GERD is the most common digestive disorder in the US.

In addition to heartburn, common symptoms of reflux include an acidic taste in the back of the mouth and difficulty swallowing. Other symptoms include cough, asthma, tooth decay and sinus inflammation.

So here are 14 natural ways to reduce your natural reflux and heartburn, all supported by scientific research.

1. Do not overdo

Where the esophagus opens into the stomach, there is a ring-like muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter.

It acts as a valve and is believed to prevent stomach acidic substances from entering the esophagus. It opens naturally when you swallow, belch or vomit. Otherwise, it should remain closed.

In people with acid reflux, this muscle is weak or diseased. Acid reflux can also occur when there is too much pressure on the muscle, causing the acid to squeeze through the opening.

Surprisingly, most reflux symptoms occur after meals. It also seems that large meals can worsen the symptoms of reflux.

One step that helps reduce acid reflux is to avoid eating large meals.


Avoid eating large meals. Acid reflux usually increases after a meal, and a large meal makes the problem worse.

2. lose weight

The diaphragm is a muscle above your abdomen.

In healthy people, the diaphragm naturally strengthens the lower esophageal sphincter.

As mentioned earlier, this muscle prevents excessive amounts of stomach acid from leaking into the esophagus.

However, if your abdominal fat is too high, the pressure in your abdomen may be so high that the lower esophageal sphincter is pushed upward with the support of the diaphragm. This condition is known as Hetus hernia.

Hetus hernia is the main cause of an increased risk of reflux and heartburn in obese people and pregnant women.

Several observational studies suggest that extra pounds in the abdominal area increase the risk of reflux and GERD.

Controlled studies support this, suggesting that weight loss can relieve reflux symptoms.

If you are suffering from acid reflux then losing weight should be one of your priorities.


Excess pressure inside the stomach is one of the causes of acid reflux. Reducing abdominal fat can relieve some of your symptoms.

3. Follow a low-carb diet

Increasing evidence suggests that a low-carb diet can relieve the symptoms of acid reflux.

Scientists suspect that unspecified carbs may cause bacterial overgrowth and elevated pressure inside the stomach. Some even speculate that it may be one of the most common causes of acid reflux.

Studies indicate that bacterial overgrowth is caused by impaired carb digestion and absorption.

Due to having too many unspecified carbs in your digestive system, you become puffy and bloated. It also gives you more frequent bells.

Supporting this view, some small studies have indicated that low-carb diets improve reflux.

Additionally, an antibiotic treatment can significantly reduce acid reflux, possibly by reducing the number of gas-producing bacteria.

In one study, researchers gave participants with GERD prebiotic fiber supplements that promoted the growth of gas-producing bacteria. As a result participants' reflux symptoms worsened.


Acid reflux can be caused by poor carb digestion and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Low-carb diets appear to be an effective treatment, but further studies are needed.

4. Limit your alcohol intake

Drinking alcohol can increase the severity of acid reflux and heartburn.

It relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter by increasing stomach acid, and clears the acid to reduce the ability of the esophagus.

Studies have shown that moderate alcohol intake can also cause reflux symptoms in healthy individuals.

Controlled studies also show that drinking wine or beer increases reflux symptoms compared to drinking plain water.


Excessive alcohol consumption can worsen acid reflux symptoms. If you are suffering from heartburn, limiting alcohol intake can help reduce your pain.

5. Do not drink too much coffee

Studies show that coffee temporarily weakens the lower esophageal sphincter, increasing the risk of acid reflux.

Some evidence points to caffeine as a possible culprit. Similar to coffee, caffeine weakens the low esophageal sphincter.

Additionally, drinking decaffeinated coffee has been shown to reduce reflux compared to regular coffee.

However, one study that gave participants caffeine in water was unable to detect any effect of caffeine on reflux, even though coffee may have worsened symptoms.

These findings indicate that compounds other than caffeine may play a role in coffee's effect on acid reflux. Processing and preparation of coffee may also be involved.

Nevertheless, although several studies suggest that coffee may impair acid reflux, the evidence is not entirely conclusive.

One study found no adverse effects when patients with acid reflux consumed coffee compared to a similar amount of warm water just after a meal. However, coffee increased the duration of the reflux episode between meals.

Additionally, analysis of observational studies found no significant effect of coffee intake on self-reported symptoms of GERD.

Nevertheless, when the signs of acid reflux were examined with a small camera, coffee consumption was associated with greater acid damage in the esophagus.

Whether coffee intake worsens acid reflux may depend on the individual. If coffee makes you angry, just avoid it or limit your intake.


The evidence suggests that coffee makes acid reflux and heartburn worse. If you feel that coffee increases your symptoms, then you should consider limiting your intake.

6. Chewing Gum

Some studies suggest that chewing gum reduces acidity in the esophagus.

Gum that contains bicarbonate appears to be particularly effective .

These findings indicate that chewing gum - and the associated increase in saliva production - may help clear the acid's esophagus.

However, this probably does not reduce reflux.


Chewing gum increases saliva formation and helps cleanse the esophagus of stomach acid.

7. Avoid Raw Onions

A study in people suffering from acid reflux showed that eating raw onion increases heart rate significantly, causing stomach irritation compared to acid reflux and a similar food that does not contain onion.

More frequent beliefs suggest that more gas is being produced in onions due to the higher amount of fermentable fiber.

Raw onions can also irritate the lining of the esophagus, causing poor heartburn.

Whatever the reason, if you feel that eating raw onion makes your symptoms worse, then you should avoid it.


Some people experience heartburn and other reflux symptoms worsening after eating raw onions.

8. Limit your intake of carbonated drinks

Patients with GERD are sometimes advised to limit their intake of carbonated drinks.

An observational study found that carbonated soft drinks were associated with increased acid reflux symptoms.

Furthermore, controlled studies suggest that drinking carbonated water or cola temporarily weakened the lower esophageal sphincter compared to drinking plain water.

Carbon dioxide is the main cause of gas in carbonated beverages, which causes people to irritate more frequently - an effect that can increase the amount of acid escape in the esophagus.


Carbonated beverages temporarily increase the frequency of stomach filling, which can promote acid reflux. If they worsen your symptoms, try to drink less or avoid them altogether.

9. Do not drink too much citrus juice

In a study of 400 GERD patients, 72% reported that orange or grapefruit juice worsened their acid reflux symptoms.

Acidity of citrus fruits does not appear to be the only factor contributing to these effects. Orange juice with a neutral pH also stimulates symptoms.

Since sour juice does not weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, it is likely that some of its components disturb the lining of the esophagus.

While sour juice probably does not cause acid reflux, it can make your heartburn temporarily worse.


Most patients with acid reflux report that drinking citrus juice worsens their symptoms. Researchers believe that sour juice disturbs the lining of the esophagus.

10. Consider eating less chocolate

GERD patients are sometimes advised to avoid or limit their intake of chocolate. However, the evidence for this recommendation is weak.

A small, uncontrolled study has shown that consuming 4 ounces (120 ml) of chocolate syrup weakens the lower esophageal sphincter.

Another controlled study found that drinking a chocolate drink increased the amount of acid in the esophagus, compared to a placebo.

Nevertheless, further study is needed before any strong conclusions about the effects of chocolate on reflux symptoms.


There is limited evidence that chocolate worsens the symptoms of reflux. Some studies may suggest this, but more research is needed.

11. Avoid Mint if Necessary

Peppermint and Spearmint are common foods used in foods, candy, chewing gum, mouthwash, and toothpaste.

They are also popular ingredients in herbal teas.

A controlled study of patients with GERD found no evidence for the effect of Spearmint on the lower esophageal sphincter.

Nevertheless, studies have shown that high doses of spear can worsen the symptoms of acid reflux, possibly by irritating the inside of the esophagus.

If you feel that peppermint makes your heartburn worse, then avoid it.


Some studies indicate that mint may increase heartburn and other reflux symptoms, but evidence is limited.

12. Raise the head of your bed

Some people suffer from reflux symptoms during the night.

This can disrupt their quality of sleep and make it difficult for them to sleep.

One study showed that patients who lifted their bed head up had significantly fewer reflux episodes and symptoms compared to those who slept without uptake.

Additionally, analysis of controlled studies concluded that elevating the head to bed is an effective strategy for reducing acid reflux symptoms and heartburn at night.


Elevating the head of your bed can reduce your reflux symptoms at night.

13. Do not eat within three hours of going to bed

People with acid reflux are generally advised to avoid eating within three hours before bedtime.

Although this recommendation makes sense, there is limited evidence to back it up.

A study in patients with GERD showed that eating late in the evening had no effect on acid reflux, as compared to eating before 7 pm.

However, an observational study found that eating close to sleep was associated with significantly higher reflux symptoms when people were going to sleep.

More studies are needed before concrete conclusions can be made about the effect of late evening meals on GERD. It can also depend on the person.


Observational studies suggest that eating close to bedtime can worsen acid reflux symptoms at night. Nevertheless, the evidence is inconclusive and more studies are needed.

14. Do not sleep on your right side

Many studies show that sleeping on your right side can worsen nighttime reflux symptoms.

The reason is not entirely clear, but is probably explained by anatomy.

The esophagus enters the right side of the stomach. As a result, the lower esophageal sphincter sits above the level of stomach acid when you sleep on your left.

When you lie on your right side, the stomach acid covers the lower esophageal sphincter. This increases the risk of acid leaking and reflux through it.

Obviously, this recommendation may not be practical, as most people change their positions at bedtime.

Still resting on your left side allows you to sleep more comfortably.


If you suffer from acid reflux at night, avoid sleeping on the right side of your body.


Some scientists claim that dietary factor is a major underlying cause of acid reflux.

While this may be true, more research is needed to validate these claims.

Nevertheless, studies show that simple diet and lifestyle changes can reduce the symptoms of heartburn and other acid reflux.


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