All about of White Hair Men - Duniya Health

What you should know about white hair

White Hair Men
White Hair Men

Changing hair color is normal, as is the age of people. But white hair can appear at almost any time in life. Even teenagers and people in their 20s can see varieties of white hair.
There are millions of pores or pores of skin in the human body. Follicles form follicles and pigment or pigment cells that contain melanin. Over time, hair follicles lose pigment cells, resulting in white hair color.

In this article, we look at some common causes of premature white hair, as well as in some cases how to slow down the graying process or prevent it.

Fast facts about white hair:

Vitamin deficiency can cause hair to turn prematurely white.
Prolonged smoking has been linked to premature graying.
Preventing white hair depends on its cause.

Due to white hair

Apart from age, there can be many reasons that result in a person's hair turning white.

Vitamin deficiency

Any deficiency of vitamin B6, B-12, biotin, vitamin D or vitamin E can contribute to premature grapes.

In a 2015 report in the journal, the development has drawn attention to studies of vitamin D-3, vitamin B-12 and copper, and various deficiencies on hair whitening. It finds that nutritional deficiencies affect pigmentation, suggesting that color may return with vitamin K supplementation.

A 2016 study in the International Journal of Tricology looked at factors related to premature grapes in young Indians under 25 years of age. It found low levels of serum ferritin, which stores iron, vitamin B-12, and good cholesterol HDL-C in the body, which were common in participants with premature graying of hair.


According to a 2013 report in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, premature graying of a person's hair is largely associated with genetics.

Caste and ethnicity play a role, as well. According to the same 2013 study, premature whitening may begin at age 20, while a person may be 25 years old in ASEAN and 30 years in the African-American population.

Oxidative stress

While graying is mostly genetic, oxidative stress can play a role in the body if the process is premature.

Oxidative stress causes imbalance when antioxidants are not sufficient to counter the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage cells, contributing to aging and disease.

Too much oxidative stress can promote the development of diseases including vitiligo, the condition of skin pigmentation. Vitaligo can also whiten hair due to melanin cell death or loss of cell function.

Certain medical conditions

Certain medical conditions, including autoimmune diseases, may increase the risk of a person becoming gray early. In fact, research published in 2008 showed a relationship between hair abnormality and thyroid dysfunction.

White hair is also common in alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin condition that causes hair loss on the scalp, face, and other parts of the body. When the hair grows back, it turns white due to melanin deficiency.

Real life stress

There are conflicting research studies on real-life stressors, such as premature graying due to injury.

A New York University study reported in Nature Medicine found that cells responsible for hair color can die when the body is under stress.

Other studies indicate that while stress may play a role, it is only a small part of a larger picture where disease and other factors contribute.


A study reported in the Italian Dermatology Online Journal in 2013 shows that smokers are 2 1/2 times more likely to smoke before age 30.

A 2015 study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology also demonstrated that smoking is associated with premature white hair in young men.

Chemical Hair Dyes & Hair Products

Chemical hair dyes and hair products, even shampoos, can contribute to premature graying of hair. Many of these products contain harmful ingredients that reduce melanin.

Hydrogen peroxide, which occurs in many hair dyes, is one such harmful chemical. Excessive use of products that will eventually cause the middle hair to whiten.

Preventing and reversing premature white hair

If genetics or aging is the cause, nothing can stop or reverse the process. However, treating gray hair can bring color pigmentation back if the damage is due to a medical condition.

When diet and vitamin deficiency causes premature white hair, correcting these can correct the problem or prevent it from deteriorating.

Eating more antioxidants

A person's diet plays a role in preventing white hair. A diet rich in antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress.

Antioxidant-rich foods include:
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Green tea
  • Olive oil
  • fish

Addressing deficiencies

People who are deficient in vitamins in their hair, they should eat foods rich in those vitamins.

For example, seafood, eggs, and meats are good sources of vitamin B-12, and milk, salmon, and cheese are excellent sources of vitamin D.

Over-the-counter vitamin supplements can also correct deficiencies.

Quit smoking

Smoking adversely affects the body and contributes to white hair. And researchers have found a link between child pigmentation habit and harm.

Natural remedies

There are a lot of hair dyes on the market that cover white hair, but many of these contribute to being premature gray and can cause allergies and adverse reactions.

Natural remedies provide the option to whiten hair without damaging the body or damaging the hair pigment.

Curry leaves. The medicinal use of curry leaves goes back centuries. When paired with hair oil and applied to the scalp, curry leaves can slow down grapes prematurely.

A report by the International Journal of Farmtech Research highlights the traditional use of curry leaves to maintain black hair color and even prevent premature grapes. Curry leaves can be purchased at Indian supermarkets, as well as traditional grocery stores.

Bhringaraj. According to some reports, false daisies or beetles will darken the hair and prevent it from becoming white quickly. The juice of the leaves is boiled in coconut oil or sesame oil and massaged into the hair.

Indian gooseberry. Also called Amla, it is an herbal supplement that is recognized to reverse premature grapes by promoting pigmentation. Its effectiveness is considered as amla is rich in antioxidant and anti-aging properties.

Amla is available as a fruit in Indian grocery stores. It can also be found in powder or supplement form or online at traditional health food stores. The powder can be mixed with coconut oil and applied directly to the scalp.

Black tea. Black tea can make hair darker, shinier and softer. It can be cooled by immersing 3 to 5 tea bags in 2 cups of boiling water, mixing in clean and wet hair. The tea can also be mixed with conditioner, left in the hair for 1 hour, and then thrown out.

Copper. According to a 2012 study, low copper levels can cause premature grapiness. Good food sources of copper are beef liver, lentils, almonds, dark chocolate and asparagus.

Ridge gourd. The trumpet ridge gourd is known to restore hair pigment and stimulate hair roots. Regular massage of ridge gourd oil can prevent hair from turning white. The oil can be purchased online.

Take away

With the correct diagnosis and treatment, the progression of white hair can be stopped and in some cases reversed. A balanced diet and good hair care can also help. However, in some cases, this process is irreversible.

Regular use of natural remedies may turn hair white and possibly reverse. But everyone's hair eventually starts to turn white, and the person must decide if they are comfortable with the white color or if they like to try and want to hold back a natural aging process. What is this.


  1. Thanks for sharing such wonderful knowledge! Herbal Treatment for Premature Gray Hair is far better than the chemical dyes. Premature Gray Hair Natural Treatment that has absolutely no side effects.


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