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Help for a sore throat

Throat Pain
Throat Pain 

Remedies to cure sore throat

You have experienced symptoms of a sore throat in your lifetime. Itching, scratching, and burning are not fun, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms of a cold or other serious viruses. A sore throat can be absolutely pathetic.

However, in most cases, you can get immediate relief without running your doctor. Here are 10 ways to feel better if you have a sore throat:
  • Salt water
  • Sweet pills
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief
  • Honey
  • echinacea / sage spray
  • Hydration
  • Moisture
  • Body steam
  • raise your head
  • Antibiotics

1. Gargle with salt water

Gargling with warm salt water helps to soothe sore throat. Salt expels mucus from your swollen, inflamed tissue and helps to relieve discomfort.

Mayo Clinic recommends combining 1/4 1/2 teaspoon table salt with 4 to 8 ounces of hot water. Stir until the salt dissolves. Then garnish with it for several seconds and spit it out. Repeat the salt gargle several times each day.

2. Suck on a Logange

Some over-the-counter (OTC) throat lozenges contain menthol, an ingredient that can gently numb the tissue in your throat. This can provide you temporary relief from burning and pain sensations. In a pinch, candy can have the same effect.

Candy and cough drops increase your saliva production and help to lubricate your throat. However, candy and cough drops will not relieve sore throat as long-term medicated lozenges or relieve it effectively, and you may soon feel relieved.

Avoid giving lozenges or cough drops to young children. Both are a choking hazard.

3. Try OTC Pain Relief

According to a reliable source, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, viruses cause the most sore throat. Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics, which only kill bacteria. Instead, the virus has to run its course in its body.

OTC nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) or naproxen (Aleve) can reduce swelling and inflammation in your throat. They can also provide relief from soreness or scratches.

4. Enjoy a drop of honey

Hot tea sweetened with honey can help calm your irritated throat. The tea also keeps you hydrated, which is another important step in treating a sore throat. Next time you have a sore throat, pick up a cup.

You may consider opting for a green tea, which acts as an antibacterial, pain reliever and rich source of antioxidants, as well as helps to reduce inflammation.

Honey has another advantage when sick. Research suggests that it is an effective cough suppressant and also acts as an OTC cough medicine.

5. Try an Echinacea and Sage Spray

Use some sense of spray combining echinacea and sage. In a study by European Journal of Medical Research Trusted Source, this herbal remedy cures sore throat as well as relieves OTC sore throat.

Do you have a remedy for sore throat? Tell us in the comments below "

6. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is an important part of treating a sore throat. When you are dehydrated, your body cannot produce enough saliva and mucus to keep your throat naturally lubricated. This will make inflammation and swelling worse.

Water is a good choice in the form of hot tea or hot soup. However, hot tea or hot soup can actually burn your already sensitive throat and make the problem worse.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can make you even more dry.

7. Use a Humidifier

Breathing in moist air can help soothe the inflamed tissues in your nose and throat. Turn on a cool mist humidifier to increase the moisture content in your room. You can buy Humidifiers at most retailers.

8. Give Yourself a Steam Bath

If you do not have a humidifier, you can still get relief from moist air. Breathe in steam with a warm bath to help reduce swelling and ease throat pain.

You can also make steam by running very hot water in a sink. Place a towel over your head and lean into the sink to breathe in the steam. Breathe deeply for several minutes, and repeat as necessary to reduce sore throat.

You can try boiling a little water in a pot on the stove for 30 minutes to increase the humidity in your home. Add a tablespoon of Vick's Vorb-like menthol ointment to boiling water to fill the air with the dung menthol aroma.

9. Raise Your Head

When you have a sore throat, use an extra pillow or two under your head. The extra height will help you breathe easier. Along with getting rid of your congestion, you will not have to sleep with your mouth open, which can dry out your throat and cause injury.

10. Get a recipe

The virus most commonly causes a sore throat, but sometimes the culprits may be bacteria such as Streptococcus, which causes strep throat. If your sore throat does not go away or gets worse, or you are having a fever, see your doctor for a strep test. You may need an antibiotic.

If your doctor prescribes an antibiotic, finish the entire course. Do not stop taking the medicine, even if your symptoms disappear and you start feeling better. Stopping the antibiotic may leave some bacteria to infect you again, and these bacteria that survive may no longer respond to the antibiotic.

Sore throat in children

A sore throat is a childhood disease. They are often caused by viruses and will get better in four or five days. If your child is running a fever of 101 ° F (38.3 ° C) or higher, go to the pediatrician. Fever can be a sign of a sore throat. Because strep is caused by bacteria, it needs to be treated with antibiotics.

You can relieve your child from a sore throat with medication such as acetaminophen (Children's Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Children Advil, Children Motrin). If your child is less than six months old, check with your pediatrician first. Do not give aspirin (Bufferin) to children under the age of 18, as it is a risk of a rare and serious condition called Dare syndrome.

Here are some other ways to relieve your child's throat pain:
  • Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt and 8 ounces of hot water, and feed your child with it. Children older than 6 years of age usually get older.
  • Give your child warm liquids, such as chicken broth or tea. Children over the age of one year can add a little honey to the tea to soothe their throat.
  • Let your baby suck some cold, such as ice pop.
Avoid using a sore throat on children. These products contain the anesthetic benzocaine (Anbesol), which may cause allergies in some children.

When to see a doctor

You do not have to have a sore throat. Many OTC remedies and home remedies can help you get relief from pain and discomfort.

If pain does not improve, see your doctor. You also make an appointment:
  • It hurts a lot
  • High fever
  • Experience nausea or vomiting


One way to avoid contact with germs that causes a sore throat is to wash your hands with warm water and soap throughout the day. If you do not have access to the sink, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Whenever you touch common surfaces such as a cork or keyboard, wash your hands, shake hands or come in contact with people who cough or sneeze.

Whoever is sick, try to avoid it. Do not share personal items such as toothbrushes, glasses and silverware with anyone else. And eating right, getting good sleep and exercising keeps your body immune.


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