All about of Hair follicle - Duniya Health

How do hair follicles work?

Hair follicle
Hair follicle

Our skin follicles are small, pocket holes. As the name suggests, they grow hair. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the average human has about 100,000 hairs on its skull. We will find out what hair follicles are and how they grow hair.

Anatomy of a follicle

A hair follicle is a tunnel-shaped structure in the epidermis (outer layer) of the skin. Hair begins to grow at the bottom of a hair follicle. The root of the hair is made up of protein cells and nourished by blood from nearby blood vessels.

As more cells are formed, the hair comes out of the skin and reaches the surface. The sebaceous glands near the hair follicles produce oil, which nourishes hair and skin.

Child development cycle

Hair grows in hair follicles. There are three distinct phases of this cycle:
  • Anagen (growth) phase. Hair begins to grow from the root. This phase usually lasts between three and seven years.
  • Katagen (transitional) phase. Growth slows down and the follicle shrinks at this stage. It lasts between two and four months.
  • Telogen (rest) phase. Old hair falls out and new hair starts growing from the same follicle follicle. It lasts between three and four months.
According to a 2015 article from the source, recent research has suggested that hair follicles do not just "rest" during the telogen phase. During this phase, there is a lot of cellular activity so that tissues can regenerate and grow more hair. In other words, the telogen phase is important for building healthy hair.

Different follicles go through different stages of the cycle at the same time. Some follicles are in growth phase while others may be in resting state. Some of your hair is growing, while others are falling out.

According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, the average person loses about 100 hairs in a day. About 90 percent of the sources of your hair follicles are in the anagen phase at any given time.

Life of a coupe

On average, your hair grows about half an inch every month. Your hair growth rate can be influenced by your age, hair type and your overall health.

Hair follicles are not just responsible for the growth of your hair, they also affect the hair that looks like your hair. The size of your follicles determines how curly your hair is. Circular follicles produce straight hair while oval follicles produce curly hair.

Hair follicles also play a role in determining the color of your hair. As with the skin, your hair gets its pigment from the presence of melanin. There are two types of melanin: eumelanin and fomelanin.

Your genes determine if you have imalanin or fomelanin, as well as how much pigment you have. An abundance of imalanin makes the hair dark, a moderate amount of amylanin makes the hair brown, and very little imalanin makes the hair blonde. Fomelenin, on the other hand, makes hair red.

This melanin accumulates in the hair follicles, which then determines the color of the hair. Your follicles may lose the ability to produce melanin according to your age, resulting in the development of gray or white hair.

If hair is pulled from the hair follicle, it can regrow. It is possible that a damaged follicle may stop producing hair. Some conditions, such as alopecia, can prevent hair follicles from forming hair completely.

Hair follicles problems

Hair condition is caused by problems with hair follicles. If you think you have a hair condition, or if you have unexplained symptoms such as hair loss, then it is best to consult a dermatologist.

Androgenic alopecia

Androgenic alopecia, known as male pattern baldness when it presents in men, is a condition that affects the growth cycle of hair follicles on the scalp. The hair cycle slows down and weakens, eventually stopping completely. This causes the pores not to produce any new hair.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, 50 million men and 30 million women are affected by androgenic alopecia.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. The immune system mistakes the hair follicles for foreign cells and attacks them. This often causes hair loss. This alopecia can lead to universality, which is the total loss of hair throughout the body.

There is no known cure yet for alopecia erita, but steroidal injections or topical treatments can slow hair loss.


Folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles. This can happen anywhere including your hair:
  • Skull
  • The legs
  • side
  • Face
  • Weapons
Folliculitis often looks like a rash of small bumps on your skin. The bumps may be red, white or yellow and may contain pus. Often, itching and throat folliculitis occur.

Folliculitis is often caused by a staph infection. Folliculitis can go away without treatment, but a doctor can diagnose you and give you medication to help manage it. This may include topical treatments or oral medications to treat the cause of the infection and soothe symptoms.

Telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a temporary, but common form of hair loss. A stressful event causes the hair follicles to move into the premature telogen phase. This causes hair to thin and fall out.

Hair often grows in patches on the scalp, but in extreme cases, it may fall out on other places of the body, on the legs, eyebrows, and the pubic area.

Stress can be caused by:
  • Physically traumatic event
  • Delivery
  • A new medicine
  • Surgery
  • Disease
  • Stressful life changes
The shock of the event triggers changes in the hair growth cycle.

Telogen effluvium is usually temporary and does not require treatment. However, it is best to talk to a dermatologist if you feel that you have telogen effluvium, as they need to be ruled out for several reasons.

Hair growth

If you have conditions like alopecia or balding, you may wonder if it is possible to stimulate the hair follicle to stimulate the hair follicle.

If a follicle is damaged, it is not possible to stop it. At least, we do not yet know how to control it.

However, some new stem cell research is expected. A 2017 article found a new method of reactivating dead or damaged hair follicles in a given source. However, this treatment has not yet been tested on humans and has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Ground level

Your hair follicles are responsible for growing hair, which takes place in cycles of three different stages. These follicles also determine your hair type.

When damaged, follicles may stop making hair, and your hair growth cycle may be slow. If you have any concerns about the growth of your hair, talk to a dermatologist.


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